During the period of one to two years, the H1N1 virus spread in the world. We must be flexible about how we respond to it.
Announcement of this pandemic was issued after a UN fact proves that the virus originally from Mexico, at this time is widespread among people in Asia, Europe and the United States.
WHO's latest data shows, the number of cases of H1N1 flu has reached 28,774 cases in 74 countries, including 144 deaths.
This is the first flu pandemic, within a period of 41 years. Last flu pandemic occurred in 1968-1969 when the H3N2 virus infecting. Virus was derived from Hong Kong so well known as the Hong Kong flu and has killed up to two million people.
Pandemic is forcing us to change some ways of living day-to-day.
WHO recommends a number of easy ways to prevent the spread of flu virus H1N1. Of them, not the smooch, avoid his hands, cover mouth when coughing or sneezing and frequent hand-washing often.
According to WHO, means that prevention is a step ordinary. You do not need to wear face masks if you are not sick. Prevention of normal do you normally do for seasonal flu or the common flu. Frequent hand washing with soap can also prevent infection. Also recommended not to touch the mouth with our hands.
WHO Director General Margaret Chan even urge all UN staff and their staff in Geneva to avoid the kiss, embrace and handshake. The goal, to reduce the risk of H1N1 flu.
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